Sunday 20 November 2011


A few of you probably know that in my spare time I've been working on a java program for my own amusement, nicknamed 'DEMON'.
The idea is that it models evolution by simulating a group of critters on an island. Each critter has genes which define how it behaves. The critters then breed and mutate and (with any hope) speciate!

If I'm announcing V2, what was V1?
V1 was focused on creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the methods for controlling the loading and saving of islands. So far it can save, load and edit islands, as well as generate random critters which move without purpose.
If anyone fancies checking it so far for errors than drop me a tweet @ReynardineFox and I can email a copy.
Ta, that is all

Hello World

So the obvious question is why start a blog, and the simple answer is that I've had a few ideas I'd like to share.
If I remember, then over the next few weeks I'll be posting about a few recipes I've been wanting to try, a website I've been wanting to build and a simulation I'm finishing.

Ta, That is all